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    Location: Washington, D.C.

    Office Manager:Our headquarters are managed by a dedicated .

    Navigate, Narrate and Normalize

    THIS IS NOT MEANT TO BE A REPLACEMENT FOR EMERGENCY SERVICES.  If you are or someone else is in crisis or experiencing a life-threatening emergency please call 911, or go to the nearest emergency room.

    We are a community-based Psychological First Aid (PFA). The American Psychological Association, defines Psychological First Aid (PFA) as “an initial disaster response intervention with the goal to promote safety, stabilize survivors of disasters and connect individuals to help and resources. PFA is delivered to affected individuals by mental health professionals and other first responders. The purpose of PFA is to assess the immediate concerns and needs of an individual in the aftermath of a disaster, and not to provide on-site therapy.”

    We stimulate your agency, autonomy, self-determination and productivity which manifest as your ability to navigate the ups and downs of life in your transition/ If you are looking for a place to talk about it we are here. Join our themed and mentor-mediated support space activities. You will be provided with tools to plan and openly discuss the challenges you face. These are engaging and self-reflection events. Be ready to come to terms with maturity, sincerity, honesty and commitment plans. These strategic and engaging activities enable us to engage with lifespan planning themes and they are an opportunity to create your own personalized vision and action boards. This is your chance to plan, grow and develop.

    We shall establish what we call “Mindful Nature Walks” It is your opportunity to connect with nature. It is a guided walk focusing on noticing, taking in, breathing, realizing, mindfulness, wellness, physical work out and mental clarity as we explore serene campus green spaces. It’s a perfect opportunity to relax, reflect, and recharge.

    “This is My Story” is an Affinity Support Space specific for you. The purpose is to give you medium to express your own unique stories. The Cicadas go through a moulting stage where they shed off the older exoskeleton and they come out new. This is your moulting stage. Create and tell your story. We use Narrative Therapy principles such as listening with an open mind and the power of storytelling, poetry, miming and open mikes sessions. We hope this facilitates visibility of your stories and validates you. Art Therapy in form of craft-making, painting or drawing, are part of this session.

    We ran grief and loss sessions where we use the elements and silence in the event of a death of a family member (i.e. parent, guardian, grandparent, spouse/partner, siblings, and/or extended family members). We set aside memorialization sessions to mark the event. Grief is a natural response to loss. There is no right way to grieve and no set timeline. This session provides a safe environment where you can explore your story and express difficult feelings freely through different actions in a supportive environment. The group provides a place for establishing a connection with others with similar experiences to decrease the feelings of isolation that come with loss. It’s also a forum for understanding common myths about what grief is and how to grieve in a way that heals.

    Discover, live and thrive in healthy relationships. We use semi-structured processing approaches to examine what it means to relate. We rely on mediator led and facilitated sessions with a bit of pedagogy to improve self-recognition, self-worth, self-awareness, self-esteem, communication, boundary setting, and making connections.

    We support healing for femme/female-identifying people who have experienced sexual, emotional, physical and social difficulties. We acknowledge that we need to learn more about trauma, cope and process all the complicated feelings that come following assault, and learn to move forward by integrating the traumatic event into a healthier version of self. We use foundations of Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TFCBT) and the openness and presence of those who have been through a similar experience to provide healing and meaningful support. This group is meant to be a safe space where you feel understood and less isolated by your traumatic assault.

    Through music, dance and drama we hope to connect you to effectively experience and respond to feelings that validate you. We hope that this will be the equivalent to more accessible traditional talk or silence therapies facilitating an identity, exploration and reflection continuum.